General Privacy Notice

InterRadish B.V.

 Last updated: July 2024

Who are we and what do we offer?  

We are InterRadish B.V. (“InterRadish”). InterRadish offers a platform that enables its customers to access information and collaborate on (software) solutions in the fields of warehouse management, transport and automation (the Platform). In addition, InterRadish provides question-and-answer sessions, and other support services (the Support Services). The Platform and Support Services together are referred to as our Services. You can access our Platform through our Website:

Personal Data and Controller

We process Personal Data. Personal Data means all information by which a person can be directly or indirectly identified. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are the so-called Controller of your Personal Data. If you have questions about the processing of your Personal Data, you can always contact us through the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Notice. 

What Personal Data do we collect as Controller?

As the Controller, we may process your Personal Data in different contexts. We will process your Personal Data if you represent an organization as our Customer, create an account on our Platform (Users) and if you apply for a job at InterRadish (Applicants). Finally, we may process Personal Data in a general context, e.g. via our Website and social media accounts (General). 

If you represent a company as our Customer: 

Personal Data 


Legal basis 

Contact information: 

  • (Company) name, surname;  
  • email address, phone number and contact history; and 
  • Notes taken during question-and-answer sessions.  

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Perform the agreement we have with the organization you represent; 
  • Perform our Support Services; and 
  • Be able to contact you about the Services being performed. 

We may process this Personal Data because it is necessary for the performance of the contract with the organization you represent.  

We may also process (part of) this Personal Data because we have a legitimate interest to contact you and manage our customer relations in our administration. 

Financial information: 

  • (Company) name, email address, bank account number, other information on the invoice.   

Please note that this is only Personal Data if this information is traceable to you as a natural person. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Process and manage payments; and 
  • To be included in our records for tax purposes. 

We may process this Personal Data because it is necessary for the performance of the contract with the organization you represent.  

We also have a legal obligation to process (part of) the Personal Data for the purposes of the Tax Authorities. 

If you are a User of our Platform, we process your Personal Data:

Personal Data


Legal basis

Contact information:

  • (Company) name, surname, email address, phone number and contact history.

We use this Personal Data to:

  • Administer your contact information; and
  • Be able to contact you about our Services.

We may process this Personal Data because we have a legitimate interest to contact you and manage our customer relations in our administration.

When you create an account:

  • First- and last name; and
  • Work email address.

We use this Personal Data to:

  • Verify your account;
  • Create your account;
  • Identify you as a User; and
  • Contact you regarding the onboarding process.

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest to:

  • ensure that only verified Users can access the Platform in order to maintain the security of our Platform; and
  • approach you appropriately in our communications.

When you use our Platform:

  • Information on your device type, session date and time, IP address and User behaviour on our Platform.

We use this Personal Data to:

  • Communicate with your device type;
  • Adapt our Platform to the used device;
  • Enable you to use our Platform; and
  • Improve the usability of our Platform.

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest to do so, i.e. to provide you with a good functioning Platform and improve our Platform for our Users.

We may use your IP address and User behaviour to improve our Platform because we have your consent.

If you are an Applicant, we process your Personal Data: 

Personal Data 


Legal basis 

When you show interest in a position: 

  • Name; 
  • Email address; 
  • Address; and 
  • Telephone number. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Contact you about the application. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest in processing this Personal Data. We need the data to get (and keep) in touch with you and to process and review the application. 

When you apply for a position: 

  • Information provided regarding your application, among others: Personal Data included in the Curriculum Vitae and motivation letter, qualifications, photo, gender and day of birth. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Assess whether you suit the job and InterRadish; and 
  • Determine which Applicant is the most suitable candidate. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest in processing this Personal Data and because you provide this data yourself voluntarily. We need the data to get (and keep) in touch with you and to process and review the application.  

When we have an interview with you: 

  • Notes from interviews. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Assess whether you suit the job and InterRadish; and 
  • Determine which Applicant is the most suitable candidate. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest in processing this Personal Data. We need the data to get (and keep) in touch with you and to process and review the application. 

When we check your application: 

  • Information in public profiles, such as LinkedIn and other social networks (where applicable). 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Assess whether you suit the job and InterRadish; and 
  • Determine which Applicant is the most suitable candidate. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest to do so as it is necessary to handle and assess the application.  

We only process information that is relevant for the application. You will always get the opportunity to react to our findings. 


In General, we process the following Personal Data: 

Personal Data 


Legal basis 

If you visit our Website:  

Functional information: 

  • Information on your device type, browser type, session date and time, IP address and browser type. 

 Tracking information: 

  • Your behaviour on our Website, such as: clicks, device ID, IP address 

We collect these Personal Data using cookies and similar techniques. Please see our Cookie Policy to understand which cookies and/or similar techniques we use. 

We use the Personal Data to: 

  • Communicate in the same language of the browser; 
  • Adapt our Website to the used device; 
  • Enable you to use our Website; and 
  • Improve the usability of our Website. 

We may process this functional information because we have a legitimate interest to gain insight in the use of our Services in order to provide our Services. 

In addition, we may use tracking information to gain insight in the use of our Platform in order to improve and secure our Services because we have obtained your consent. 

If you visit our social media pages: 

  • Information of visitors who leave a comment or otherwise post something on our social media pages, including Personal Data within these comments and/or posts. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Contact the visitors in reply of their post and/or comment via our social media pages; and 
  • Process the feedback left on our social media pages. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest to process this data and because you voluntarily made public such information. 

Our social media pages are also controlled by the social medium itself. Please check their own privacy notices, to see how each social medium handles Personal Data: 

If you contact us:

  • Your name;
  • Phone number;  
  • Email address; and
  • The content of the correspondence. 

We use this Personal Data to: 

  • Answer your questions and/or handle any complaints; 
  • Support you in using our Services; and 
  • Improve our Services as a result of questions and feedback from you. 

We may process this Personal Data, because we have a legitimate interest to contact and assist you based on your comment or question and to improve our Services as a result of the questions and feedback we receive. 

If you subscribe to our newsletter:

  •  Name; and 
  • Email address. 

We use this Personal Data to:

  •  Send you our newsletter and keep you informed on all our (future) Services.  

We may process this Personal Data, because you gave us your consent to do so (by subscribing via our Website). We may send you newsletters if you are a User – who paid for our Services –, because we have a legitimate interest to do so. 

In every newsletter there is a link via which you can unsubscribe. 


Mandatory information

When you engage our Services, it may be legally or contractually required that you provide us with certain Personal Data, as indicated with a (*). For example, we may need information regarding your contact details so that we can contact you. Where you do not provide us with such information, this will usually imply that we will not be able to provide you with specific Services or perform part of our agreement with you.

How long do we keep the Personal Data? 

We will not process or store any Personal Data that we do not need. We store Personal Data for as long as we need it for the above purposes, unless we are legally obliged to retain the Personal Data for a longer period. In this respect, we apply the following retention periods:

  • Personal Data of Users | This Personal Data will be retained for as long as the account is active and for a maximum of 2 years after the account was last used. When you (or our Customer on whose behalf you use the Platform) request to delete your account, we will retain your Personal Data until such request is fulfilled.
  • Personal Data related to newsletters | We retain the Personal Data used for sending newsletters until you unsubscribe from our newsletter.
  • Personal Data in our correspondence | This data is stored as long as necessary to handle your message/question/complaint and for a period of 5 years thereafter.
  • Personal Data of Applicants | We store this Personal Data for a maximum of 1 year after the application process to ensure that we do not approach you again.
  • Personal Data in our records for the (tax) authorities | This data is stored for seven (7) years, unless we are legally obliged to retain the data for a longer period.

After expiry of the aforementioned retention period(s), we may process and retain certain Personal Data to comply with legal retention obligations and/or for fraud/misuse investigations or to substantiate a (judicial) claim. In such events, we will retain the Personal Data separately and only use such Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes.

Do we share your Personal data with others?


We work with third parties who process Personal Data on our behalf (Processors). By doing so, we continue to uphold responsibility for ensuring protection of your Personal Data during such processing. These Processors may only use or disclose the data collected and processed by us within the scope of our instructions to them and under no circumstances for other purposes. We enter into a data processing agreement with all of our Processors. We use Processors for:

  • data storage;
  • email management and communication;
  • analysis of the use of our Platform; and
  • sending newsletters.



We might also share your Personal Data with third parties who use it for their own purposes (Controllers). Once they have your Personal Data, it is their responsibility to protect it. To know how these parties handle Personal Data, you can check their privacy notices. We share Personal Data with: 

  • Tax authorities: We are legally obliged to include (some of) the Personal Data in our financial administration, which has to be shared with the national tax authority. 
  • Our customers on whose behalf you use the Platform. 

Apart from the above, we will only share Personal Data with third parties if the law obliges us to, if you give your permission or if this is necessary for our legitimate interest in special situations such as: 

  • The protection of our own interests or those of third parties; 
  • Dealing with a legal case; or 
  • Selling or merging our company.


Export of Personal Data outside the European Union

We may transmit Personal Data to parties outside the European Union, if one of our Processors or Controllers is established outside the European Union. Personal Data will only be transferred to countries and/or parties that provide an adequate level of protection in accordance with the European standards, or if we have contractual safeguards in place. You may contact us if you wish to receive more information or a copy of the safeguards we take in this scope.

Third party websites

You may find advertising or other (hyper)links on our Website that link to the websites, products and services of partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors or other third parties. We do not control the content or the links that appear on these websites and we are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Website. In addition, these websites, products and services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These websites, products and services may have their own privacy notices, user terms and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites that are linked to or from our Website, are subject to the terms and policies of that website. 

Changes to the Privacy Notice

The Privacy Notice may be changed from time to time. Please check our Privacy Notice frequently. The new Privacy Notice will be effective immediately upon posting on our Website. If we change our Privacy Notice significantly, then we will state so on our Website together with the revised Privacy Notice. 

Your rights as a data subject and our contact data

You are always entitled to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that we are not processing your Personal Data in accordance with the GDPR. In the Netherlands, the supervisory authority for data protection is:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice or your privacy, you can contact us at [email protected].

InterRadish B.V.

Address:                                 Barbara Strozzilaan 101, 1083 HN Amsterdam

Email:                                     [email protected]


Chamber of Commerce:      90762347