D365 release learning center 

D365 has a lot going on. The ERP is immense in terms of features and capabilities, and Microsoft continues to develop the ecosystem and expand the application landscape. It's not getting any simpler, and it's getting tougher and tougher for customers and partners to get access to quality, digestible information as to what's changing.

The D365 release overview and deep-dives learning page is intended to provide customers and partners with overviews highlighting important features and bug fixes for upcoming releases, along with deep-dives for new or reworked functionality that is particularly interesting or impactful to teams overseeing warehouse operations.

D365 release overviews

The most recent D365 releases with a brief overview on the relevant supply chain features.

Release feature deep-dives

Deep-dives and commentary from the InterRadish team on particularly interesting new or re-worked features.

Want to learn more?

Reach out to our team today to see how we can help incorporate the new D365 functionality into your organization.

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