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WMS only mode - Process outbound shipment orders (5/5)

configuration warehouse only mode Sep 25, 2023

Back to the learning center

So far, we have reviewed the necessary setup in D365 for the Warehouse management only mode and how to create Shipment order messages with Postman service. We also looked at an example of processing and inbound shipment order message.

In this post, I will run you through the remaining setup required for outbound processing and show you an end-to-end example. In short, we’ll have to:

  1. Set up the existing mobile device menus for processing outbound picking
    1. Add the MDMIs to a mobile device menu
  2. Set up the work templates
  3. Set up the location directives
  4. Create the outbound shipment order message from Postman to D365
  5. Process the outbound shipment order message in D365
    1. Create the outbound shipment order in D365
  6. Release the outbound shipment order to warehouse to create warehouse work
  7. Pick and load the work with the MDMI
  8. Confirm outbound shipment and post the packing slip

Now let’s see step by step instructions to achieve this:

Set up existing mobile device menu items to support the outbound picking

First, I created a new work class for the new work order type and assigned it to the already exiting MDMIs that are relevant for outbound picking.

Dynamics Warehouse management only modeOnce done, I added the new work classes to the Sales picking and Sales picking - System MDMIs that already exist in the Contoso environment.

I also added these MDMIs to a new mobile device menu I created earlier specifically for WMS only processing.

Create work template for outbound shipment order work order type

I chose to create a single pick/put pair for demonstration.

Create location directives for outbound shipment order work order type

I created simple location directives for outbound picking: pick from storage; put to baydoor.

From the setup perspective, we are now complete and can start processing the Outbound shipment orders. Let’s see a step-by-step example.

Create outbound shipment order message in Postman

Using the steps previously outlined, create the Outbound shipment order message (header), the Outbound shipment order line message, and commit the order message. This will change the order message status to Received.

Process the message

Process the message using Message processor. This will change the order message status to Accepted and create the actual Outbound shipment order we can use for picking.

Looking at the outbound shipment order, we can see that it is in Open status and is waiting for further processing.

The setup from the source systems defined that the reservation should be delayed, hence I am required to do it manually at this stage.

Create the shipment, load, wave, and work

The order is now ready to be load planned if desired, or simply released to warehouse (which will create a load in the process). After releasing it to warehouse, several things happen using the WMS logic:

NOTE: New Automatic release of outbound shipment orders batch job can be used to automate the release process of the orders as well.

The shipment is created:

The load is created, and the shipment is associated with it:

If the configuration is enabled for automatic wave creation, the wave is created:

Finally, the picking work created for work order type Outbound shipment order:

In the meantime, the release status of the outbound shipment order has moved to Released.

NOTE: Other ways releasing to warehouse can be used, like in legacy D365 WMS. I chose the manual process for the demo purposes.

Process the work

This work can now be processed with the MDMI:

As I complete all the necessary work headers, the warehouse entities are updated:

  • Shipment status is Loaded;
  • Load status is Loaded.

We can now Confirm outbound shipment and generate the Packing slip, just like we would normally. This can be done from the load itself.

Once done, the business events and shipment packing slip are created for the external system to provide it with the necessary information.

We can now view the Shipment packing slip detailing all the necessary information for the external system. In the meantime, D365 has ran the Post shipment packing slips batch job and we can see the Posting status is Posted.

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Shipment packing slips

And that’s it. We have just processed the first outbound shipment order in the Warehouse management only mode.

Happy testing!