The InterRadish Blog

WMS only mode - Process inbound shipment orders (4/5)

configuration warehouse only mode Sep 25, 2023

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So far, we have reviewed the necessary setup in D365 for the Warehouse management only mode and how to create Shipment order messages with the Postman service.

In this part, I will run you through the remaining setup required for inbound processing and show you an end-to-end example of it. In short, we’ll have to:

  1. Set up new mobile device menus for receiving purposes:
    1. Add the new MDMIs to a mobile device menu.
  2. Set up the work templates.
  3. Set up the location directives.
  4. Create the inbound shipment order message from Postman to D365.
  5. Process the inbound shipment order message in D365.
    1. Create the inbound shipment order in D365.
  6. Receive the inbound shipment order via MDMI.
  7. Execute the receiving completed process.

Set up new mobile device menu items for inbound receiving purposes

A few new work creation processes have been created to receive the inbound shipment orders. Some of the legacy work creation processes can also be used to receive them if required. These are the available MDMIs to be used with inbound shipment order receiving:

  • License plate receiving (and put away) [legacy]
  • Load item receiving (and put away) [legacy]
  • Mixed license plate receiving (and put away) [legacy]
  •  Inbound shipment order line receiving [new]
  •  Inbound shipment order line receiving (and put away) [new]
  •  Inbound shipment order item receiving [new]
  •  Inbound shipment order item receiving (and put away) [new]

Below is an example of inbound shipment order item receiving & putaway MDMI. The new work processing methods have very much the same functionality as the previously known receiving MDMIs.

Dynamics Warehouse management only mode

Add the newly created MDMIs to a mobile device menu

I decided to create a separate menu for my mobile device where all the inbound menus for the WMS only mode have been placed.

Create a work template for inbound shipment order work type

A simple pick/put pair for the inbound processes will suffice. Make sure to create a new work class as well for the new work order type. I named it ISO Recv to indicate Inbound shipment order receiving.

Create a location directive for inbound shipment order work type

I created a very simple one that will direct the items to the storage locations.

Optional setup: Create Receiving completed confirmation MDMI

This is used to indicate the receiving of the ISO Load has been completed. It will then trigger a business event back to the source system to update it with the necessary information about receiving. Make sure to add it to the mobile device menu as well.

You can also define whether the receiving packing slip must be captured or not (or optional). Do this in Warehouse management parameters > Loads > Capture receiving completed packing slip.

From the setup perspective, we are now complete and can start processing the Inbound shipment orders. Let's see a step-by-step example.

Create inbound shipment order message in Postman

Using the steps previously outlined, create the Inbound shipment order message (header), the Inbound shipment order line message, and commit the order message.

Process the message

Using the Message Processor, process the message and the Inbound shipment order is now created and it can be used for receiving.

Plan an inbound load

Plan an inbound load via Inbound load planning workbench. Remember that in the Source system form we defined that the load will be created manually, so we should do it now. Using the Inbound shipment order messages, a load is required by the system, otherwise an error is presented on the mobile device during receiving.

The created load is now identical to the standard D365 WMS load. Notice that the reference is populated as Inbound shipment order.

Receive the inbound shipment order

Open the mobile device and start receiving just like you are used to, but by specifying the inbound shipment order number instead of a purchase order.

Inbound work created

Inbound putaway work is now created for work order type Inbound shipment order and can further be processed with the relevant MDMI.

We can also see that the transactions have been updated accordingly:

Complete receiving

We should now indicate the Receiving completed. This can be done from the inbound load itself or via the mobile device. It cannot be done directly from the inbound shipment order.

This has now had effect on several things in the WMS:

  1. Load status = Received;
  2. Shipment status = Received;
  3. Inbound shipment order status = Received.

The shipment receipt journal can now also be viewed where the receiving details are shown:

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Shipment receipts.

And that’s it! From this point onwards you can use the D365 WMS as you would otherwise.

I will receive a few more pallets of the Radish Jam and put them to storage in my warehouse 24 and continue with an example of picking and shipping those. To see how we process outbound shipment orders, continue on with the series here.