The InterRadish Blog

WMS only mode - Message import process (2/5)

configuration warehouse only mode Sep 25, 2023

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Message import process

Several new forms are introduced with the new WMS only mode which are used for the processing of source order messages. The high-level overview of the step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. Create and commit Inbound or Outbound shipment order message (header message and lines message) in external ERP (or a mimicking app).
  2. See the message in the Inbound or Outbound shipment order messages list. Be aware of the Processing status. Your message should be in the Received status to continue with the next step.
    1. Receiving – the message is in the process of being imported and cannot be processed until the creating is completed by the confirmation from the source system.
    2. Received – the message has been received and is in a Queued state in the message processor. It is now ready to be picked up for processing, either manually or via batch job.
    3. Accepted – the message processor state is Processed. Therefore, a shipment order has been created in D365 and you can start working against it.
    4. Failed – the message processor processed the message, but one or more errors occurred. This message can be re-processed.
    5. Draft – the message is a copy that can be updated. To reprocess the message, move it into the Queued message state by selecting the Queue
    6. Canceled – the message has been manually canceled.
  3. Once the message is in a Received status, you can process it manually by selecting the Process button in the top bar or trigger a batch job by navigating to System administration > Message processor.
  4. To review the process status of the messages, navigate to System administration > Message processor messages.
  5. If the processing is successful (message status is Accepted), a new Inbound or Outbound shipment order will be created in the Inbound shipment orders form (Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Inbound / Outbound shipment orders).
  6. You can now use this shipment order and process it accordingly in the D365 WMS.

Let's review the new forms described above in more detail.

Inbound shipment order messages

This is where the list of inbound order messages waiting to be processed is shown. These are essentially the headers providing some general information about the order.

Navigate to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Inbound shipment order messages.

Dynamics Warehouse management only mode

By clicking into any of the messages, the message details page is shown where the order message lines can be viewed. At this stage, the system simply creates the lines based on the received message and there is no validation against the product or any other information entered. This will be done later during message processing.

Outbound shipment order messages

This is where the list of outbound order messages waiting to be processed is shown. These are the headers providing some general information about the order.

Navigate to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Outbound shipment order messages.

By clicking into any of the messages, the message details page is shown. They follow a similar principle to the standard purchase orders, but are much lighter in the information required.

Message processor

This is a batch job that processes newly queued messages to create new shipment orders. Make sure to select the Message queue = Shipment orders as this will capture the correct messages to process. At this stage, the system validates the order message information against the system data.

  • For example, if there is an order line of an item that does not exist in D365, an error will be shown, and the order will not be created (the message will inherit status Failed).

Navigate to System administration > Message processor.

Message processor messages

This is a form used to review the status of the processed messages and review any issues with them:

  • The header gives us some general information and the lines keep the details of the execution log.
  • The message content line tab gives us details about the unique messageRecId of the message.
  • From this form, a message can be also processed, cancelled, or put to queue again.

Navigate to System administration > Message processor messages.

Inbound shipment orders

This is a new form to see the Inbound shipment orders that can be used for receiving in the warehouse. It has a similar principle to standard purchase orders but is much lighter in the information required.

Navigate to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Inbound shipment orders

Clicking into one of the messages shows the details of each order where the order lines can be reviewed and manipulated as required.

 Outbound shipment orders

This is a new form to see the outbound shipment orders that can be used for processing in the warehouse. Similar principle to standard sales orders, but much lighter in information required.

Navigate to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Outbound shipment orders

Clicking into one of the messages shows the details form where the order lines can be reviewed and manipulated as required.

Monitoring inbound and outbound shipment orders

Several new forms have also been created for monitoring inbound and outbound shipment order work that follow the classic similar forms.

However, you can still see them in the All work and Work details forms as well, so I will be using that.

Inbound load planning workbenches

This form now contains a new tab for planning the respective lines.

NOTE: Outbound load planning workbench does not have the outbound shipment order lines view. Outbound load planning with release to the warehouse from loads is not supported - a load must be created during waving or release to warehouse from an order.

NOTE: these have not been added to the legacy Load planning workbench.

Continue on with the next post in the series to learn how to configure Postman and process an example integration here.