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Pair transfer order lines with sales order lines (Preview)

10.0.41 feature review Nov 28, 2024

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In D365, we can create transfer order lines directly from sales order lines. This is useful when the sales demand must be supplied from another warehouse. However, until now, such two orders would not be marked against each other in the system.

This feature expands on this capability by linking and marking the related sales and transfer orders together. This makes it easier to track the relationship between the two orders and generally improves inventory handling.

MS learn page link:

The feature is in Preview as of 10.0.41, so we need to enable it in the feature management workspace first.

Test scenario

In this scenario, we have warehouse 62 from where we are selling items A0001 and A0002, which are not in stock in this warehouse. We have stock of the two items in warehouse 24, so we will create a Transfer order from WH 24 to WH 62 as required.

A simple SO is created for 10 pcs of A0001. After that, a new Transfer order can be created from Product and supply > NEW Transfer order.

In the new sub-form, you can choose the From warehouse, the Ship date, whether the Transfer order line created should be automatically reserved or not, and whether to add the this request to an existing Transfer order or not (if applicable).

A new Transfer order is created for the requested item and quantity from the Sales order.

This inventory is now marked between the orders. You can see the related Transfer order from the Sales order and vice versa. From the desired Sales order line, select Product and supply > VIEW Related transfer orders. If doing it from the Transfer order line, select Inventory > Related sales orders.

The new form will show the related Transfer/Sales order. From here, you can easily access the related order transactions as well. Great form for a quick review.

You can now ship this TO and receive it in warehouse 62. After that, the SO can be processed as well. And that's it - simple and effective.

Other observations:

  1. You can add the requested goods from the same or another sales order to an already created transfer order, if the shipping details match.

  2. If you attempt to create a TO for an SO line that already has a related TO created, you will receive a warning message. However, you can still create a new SO for these line quantities.

Current bug:

  1. Adding a second line from a SO to the same TO breaks the relationship between the order lines, meaning we would not advice to using this feature at the moment. We have submitted the bug (TrackiingID#2410241420001749) and it has been approved for fixing. We expect that fixed in version .43.